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sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

To Sew Semear

The lessons of the harvest offer lessons for life. There is a need for one to clear the land and
till the soil, to form the furrows and in the right season plant the seed.
Just as vital is the role of one to tend and nurture the tender sprouts, to water and provide
the necessary nutrients, to weed and determine when the crop is mature and ready to harvest.

As lições da colheita oferecem lições para a vida. Há a necessidade para que se limpar a terra e
virar o solo, para formar os sulcos e no momento certo plantar a semente da temporada.
É tão vital quanto o papel de cuidar  e nutrir os brotos, regar e fornecer  os nutrientes necessários, eliminar as ervas daninhas e determinar quando a colheita está madura e pronta para colher.

sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2014

Agosto mês do calor das férias

Mas, mesmo de férias não largue a mão de DEUS!!!

quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2014

quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2014

Este mundo

Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate.
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
Kurt Vonnegut

(Seja suave. Não permita que o mundo o torne duro. Não deixe que a dor o faça odiar.
Não deixe que a amargura roube sua doçura. 
Tenha orgulhoem acreditar, mesmo que o resto do mundo discorde, que o mundo é um lugar bonito.
Kurt Vonnegut)

Sometimes this world just makes no sense to me.  I guess all we can do is our best and let the Lord do the rest. Sigh...
Time to shake off the unpleasant dust that sometimes gathers on our shoes, and think only of the goodness of the day. And there is always more goodness than dust.
May your Wednesday be one of peace, purpose, and gentle moments.

(Às vezes este mundo não faz qualquer sentido para mim.  Acho que tudo o que podemos fazer é o nosso melhor e deixar Deus fazer o resto.(suspiro...)
Hora de sacudir a poeira desagradável que às vezes cai nos nossos sapatos e  pensar só na bondade do dia. E sempre há mais bondade do que poeira
Que a vossa quarta-feira seja de paz, cheia de propósitos e momentos suaves!)

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014

sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2014

Tom Stewart?Original Jesus Freaks - Were You One of Them? DECEIVING

Tom Stewart?Original Jesus Freaks - Were You One of Them?


Did you know that deception is VERY deceiving? Please, take just a moment, close your eyes and think about deception for a moment. The Bible characterizes Satan as the lead deceiver. His primary target is Jesus Christ and the Word of God.

So, close your eyes and imagine if you were the deceiver how could you most effectively deceive Christians in this modern age? Who would you use? What would you use? Where would you go to deceive the widest audience? How would you reach people with vastly different personalities and weaknesses?

Would you use media, fantastic sounding philosophies, lots of truth with a slight spin, glowing faces and charismatic personalities? Would you use people that are trusted, people who are popular, people who are prosperous, people who are famous, and people who are powerful? Would you use messages that appeal to the wants and desires of Christians and give them things that fulfills their dreams? If you were the devil, how would you bless people and simultaneously reach your goals? What would you give to Christians and how would you deliver it?

What are the actual characteristics of something that is effectively deceiving?

deceive: to make (someone) believe something that is not true

Full Definition of DECEIVE
transitive verb
1. ensnare
2. to be false to, to fail to fulfill
3. cheat
4. to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid

Tom Stewart “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”